Monday, January 26, 2009

A Random Memory

It is a warm summer day on Block Island. A cool blue-green lagoon is located across the street from the Narragansett Inn. I grab my neon US Diver's snorkel, Hydro-fins and head for the shallows. The fins are multi-purpose; originally purchased for body boarding. It is customary to give your mask a thorough wash with saliva and salt water, which I did prior to entry.

The water is murky and cool. My visibility is poor and not quite as exciting as I expected. There is a predictable calm; a sharp contrast to the more tumultuous currents off Monahan's dock. Although somewhat dull and dissimilar to the snorkeling adventures I grew accustomed to. I lay floating around the lagoon for hours that day, one half of me submerged by the water and the other half blind, but equal parts satisfied with the overall experience.

I spent my summers in the water of Narragansett Bay, but for some reason tonight I thought of that day in Block Island, when I spent the afternoon puttering around that blue-green lagoon across the street from the Narragansett Inn.

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