Thursday, May 28, 2009

Screaming, Not The Pride

It's been a few weeks, and the dust has settled. No I don't mean since the last time I have posted, I'm talking about the results of THE AMERICAN IDOL. Actually, this post is mostly in response to my fellow blogger's thoughts on Lambert here. Consider this a "wall-to-wall" if you will. And you'll also notice that the content on this site is about to change...for the better.

So my boy Kris Allen probably overachieved in the truest sense of the word. No one would argue that the kid has talent. He plays both the guitar and the piano. His vocal range is limited compared to his fellow finalist, so he stayed true to those limitations. Where he lacked in vocal dynamic, he made up for it with originality, execution, and humbleness. I believe he played the Idol game very well. Kris appealed to a greater audience with his boyish charm and was never afraid to flash that great smile.

In contrast to Kris, Mr. Lambert had an unbelievable vocal ability. He also had lots of flash and style. Every week you never knew what to expect from Mr Lambert. His performance of Smokey's "Tracks of My Tears" was also the best performance I've ever seen on American Idol. So why did he lose? The Screaming! Maybe it was the judge’s fault for always applauding his ability to hit "that" note? Bottom line, it was just too much for America to handle. It's like they say, the pride comes before the fall. In this case it was Adam's screaming that came before the fall because it was that which overshadowed his amazing talents, and ultimately led to his defeat.


Skyler Daniels said...

I wonder if Adam was straight how it would have changed things. I really do.

Verd said...

I agree. It would be naive to think that it did not play a part.

Skyler Daniels said...

I also agree with you that the judges shouldnt have praised him so much for screaming because it encouraged him to do it every song. The songs he didn't scream in were my favorites and I ,of course, agree with the Smokey Robinson - Tracks of My Tears performance being the best on Idol so far. It will be interesting to see the direction he goes in now.

The Gary said...

kris' heartless performance was right up there. i think everyone appreciated and liked adams tracks of my tears performance so much was because it was SO DIFFERENT from his normal over the top screaming. overall, as i has to both of you, kris was gonna win because adam was either love or hate, and he wasnt going to win new votes during the final few weeks. kris took the vast majority of goakie's (trying to parlay his AI stint into a gig on dancing with the stars...better not get my girl julianne hough) votes.

both will go platinum on their first album is my guess.