Thursday, February 5, 2009

The "It" Girl

So here’s the situation. Picture yourself listening to the radio in your car, or in my case streaming off my favorite station on Pandora. Out of nowhere a new song you’ve never heard before starts playing and blows you AWAY! You probably end up speeding home; rolling through each passing stop sign to write down the name of the song and artist (we all know it’s the worst to forget that). Since I’m listening via Pandora on my computer, I scramble to find another link to download that MP3 software which just last night required 75 uninstalls to remove.

With the bootleg software installed we are able to get the new song downloaded, along with 50 new viruses for your computer. But it is all worth it. For the next few hours you sit at your computer with Winamp open, set to repeat, and that one magical song loaded to your playlist.

Now here is the interesting and curious part. While you listen to the song over and over again, you realize this familiar feeling. You can’t put your finger on it. I like to think it similar to the emotions you felt on your last day of summer camp with your closest friends, or to the time you finally had the courage to ask the “it” girl to a dance and she said yes!

As the song continues to play you struggle to understand this complex, yet familiar feeling. So you continue to listen, over and over, each an attempt to cherish the moments fleeting happiness. But just like your last day of summer camp or your long awaited slow dance, it must come to an end, and so does your new favorite song.


The Gary said...

guy. updated this shit you starving artist

Skyler Daniels said...

All the problems of the first two paragraphs could have been solved with Apple products. If you had an iPhone you could have shazamed the song and there would have been no need to hurry to write it down.

After the phone stored your song you could have looked it up on an apple computer and downloaded it virus free because that what Apples do. Time to invest in an Apple my friend. Their products are a never ending summer...

Verd said...

I actually might be joining the dark side...

The Gary said...

sandra lee = MISSILES